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慶祝回歸廿五載 I 同心協力向未來
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2024 中秋快樂
2024-09月《升學講座 2024-2025》
【2024-5月 澳洲留學與雅思升學講座】圓滿結束
英文語言分享 Poker Face (撲克臉)
英文語言分享 Plenty of other fish in the sea (天涯何處無芳草)
英文語言分享 Play it By Ear (隨機應變)
英文語言分享 Pieces Come Together (拼湊起來)
英文語言分享 Pale in Comparison (相形見絀)
英文語言分享 Out of the Pan and Into the Fire (出鍋入火)
英文語言分享 One Step Ahead of Someone/Something (領先一步)
「Play it By Ear」
I have no idea what to cook for dinner, maybe I will just play it by ear.